Malawi’s Constitution guarantees civil rights and liberties to everyone.
Freedom of expression
In support of Catholic Bishops’ call for respect of freedom of expression in Malawi
We call upon the Tonse administration to restore the country’s fading glory by upholding freedom of expression.
Malawi: Protecting media freedom and information access in 2020
MISA Malawi’s Way Forward recommendations for defending media freedom, freedom of
expression and access to information to mark World Press Freedom Day 2020.
Malawi: Way Forward 2019
MISA Malawi’s recommendations for improving media freedom, freedom of expression and access to information to mark World Press Freedom Day 2019.
Community radio key to grassroots empowerment – MISA Malawi
MISA Malawi has partnered DW Akademie to organise a series of trainings on different thematic areas including elections, public communication and digital journalism.
Malawi: Way forward in 2018
MISA Malawi is sharing its recommendations for improving media freedom, freedom of expression and access to information to mark World Press Freedom Day 2018.
Turning freedom of expression resolutions into reality
Rights such as freedom of expression and access to information belong to everyone, not just the media. It takes strong commitment to ensure they become reality.