MISA Malawi, MCM and AWOME value the rule of law.
MISA Malawi condemns assault of journalist Henry Mhango by police officers
Journalism is not a crime.
MISA Malawi mourns Rev. Semphere & Kenny Klips
Semphere and Wako died Thursday morning, January 21, 2021 in Lilongwe and Blantyre respectively.
Covid-19 curfew and the work of journalists
Journalists should possess and always carry with them valid Identity Cards.
Call for Membership Application and Renewal 2021
MISA Malawi is a membership-based Non-Governmental Organisation
MISA Malawi mourns veteran broadcaster Maria Chidzanja Nkhoma
Maria worked as a broadcaster for close to 39 years.
Gains and losses for Media Freedom, ATI under the Tonse Administration
Tonse administration and its supporters have taken actions aimed at reducing media space and freedoms.
Journalists challenged on disinformation
Each slip up undermines all journalism
‘Journalism education must emphasise on media sustainability’
Journalism education needs to be responsive, sensitive and relevant to the context.
Malawi’s Nation Publications Limited embraces digital for sustainability
We needed to think of the means of surviving.