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PAIRSx Africa: Pioneering new approaches to AI through Participation

Join us for a webinar ahead of the Global Artificial Intelligence Summit on Africa taking place in Kigali. During the webinar we will hear from researchers, union workers and tech builders whose work is not only defining the continent’s participatory needs for AI but also shaping a vision for policy action. 

Media as a strategic partner in achieving SADC strategic objectives 

“You need a competitive approach to this process.  As for RISDP to succeed in achieving its strategic objectives, it must have at its core the media and communication development strategy, structured similarly to how the African Union incorporates media and communication development as part of achieving Agenda 2063.

The future of expression in the age of intersectionality 

MISA conveys its condolences to the families and people of Mozambique following the loss of lives in the post-election conflict engulfing the country to date. As a country, Mozambique and its people sacrificed their national and personal prosperity by hosting several liberation movements until the entire southern African region was free.