Home 9 News 9 MISA Malawi partners Women Lawyers, Women in Media in fight against sexual harassment

MISA Malawi partners Women Lawyers, Women in Media in fight against sexual harassment

Stop sexual violence
31 Jul, 2020
Sexual harassment is a vice that should be rooted out of our society.

MISA Malawi would like to inform the membership and the general public that it has partnered the Women Lawyers Association (WLA Malawi) and Association of Women in Media (AWOME) to fight sexual harassment in the media space.

The three organizations will look at cases of sexual harassment in the sector to help victims seek justice.

We would like to appeal to all journalists to work with the Chapter and report cases of sexual harassment to help stamp out the vice in the sector.

The Chapter will ensure that survivors of sexual harassment have the confidentiality they deserve. Those that report such cases will be protected and their identities remain confidential unless they wish to open up about their unfortunate experiences.

Sexual harassment is a vice that should be rooted out of our society. The media is central in promoting change and should never be a platform and source of disgrace.

We would like to acknowledge the bravery demonstrated by some female journalists who have openly spoken out about their experiences. Some of them are already in the process of seeking justice.

Society should help them heal from the trauma that they went through and not exacerbate their suffering. We urge Malawians to respect these individuals’ right to privacy as they go through the process of seeking justice and allow them to heal.

We also encourage media houses to internally begin to have honest discussions on sexual harassment. It is also time to develop policies that protect women in the workplace and ensure that perpetrators are not being shielded and systems of redress are put in place for survivors of sexual violence.

Media contacts

MISA Malawi Chairperson Teresa Ndanga
Cell: +265 999 247 911 or email teresa.temweka@gmail.com
MISA Malawi National Director Aubrey Chikungwa
Cell: +265 999 327 311 or email info@misamalawi.org


About MISA

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) was founded in 1992. Its work focuses on promoting, and advocating for, the unhindered enjoyment of freedom of expression, access to information and a free, independent, diverse and pluralistic media.

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