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Journalists urged to embrace digital storytelling skills

Smartphone use
8 Jan, 2020
MISA Malawi introduced a Digital Storytelling Module for its Training Centre to enable journalists learn new skills in mobile reporting.

Journalists in Malawi have been advised to embrace digital storytelling skills if they are to remain relevant in the digitally demanding world.

MISA Malawi National Governing Council (NGC) member Mandy Pondani said this on Wednesday, January 8, 2020, when she officially opened a four-day training workshop in Digital Storytelling.

Pondani said the world has gone digital in almost all aspects of life and the media is one of the sectors that have significantly embraced the change.

“Without digital storytelling skills it is now becoming difficult for a journalist to satisfy the digital demands of the audience. You will agree with me that our audience is becoming more demanding and inquisitive. Journalists need digital storytelling skills to satisfy the audience needs,” Pondani said.

She said MISA Malawi introduced a Digital Storytelling Module for its Training Centre to enable journalists learn new skills in mobile reporting.

“We know that most of you have smartphones that are underutilized. Digital Storytelling training is here to help you fully utilize that important gadget. We have told stories digitally before but by the end of this training, we will tell fascinating stories using our smartphones,” she said.

12 journalists from Southern, Central and Eastern Regions are attending the training which has started today, Wednesday, January 8 and concludes Saturday, January 11, 2020.

MISA Malawi’s Digital Storytelling Module combines hands-on exercises and intensive feedback to teach journalists how to use their mobile phones to report and tell engaging multimedia stories.

Digital Storytelling is one of five modules that MISA Malawi, in partnership with DW Akademie, Germany’s leading organisation for media development, developed for MISA Malawi Training Centre.



About MISA

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) was founded in 1992. Its work focuses on promoting, and advocating for, the unhindered enjoyment of freedom of expression, access to information and a free, independent, diverse and pluralistic media.

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